
Not just Existentialists but Novelists and Politicals as well. 20th century writers and thinkers who I admire for a variety of reasons; their forward thinking, their activism their sacrifice. ‘Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it’,          George Santayana.

Camu 5Albert Camus, 2017. 30 x 40cm (NFS)

Wells 2H G Wells, 2017. 30 x 40cm

virginaVirginia Woolf, 2017. 30 x 40cm

Rosa 4Rosa Luxemburg, 2017. 30 x 40cm

Kafka 3Franz Kafka, 2017. 30 x 40cm (NFS)

sartre 2Jean-Paul Sartre, 2017. 30 x 40cm