Corridors and Staircases

We don’t always know our way through, around, up or down the myriad of corridors and staircases we encounter. They can leave us feeling uncertain, confused and intimidated. On the other hand they can lead us to a sought after arrival, goal or view.

Heathrow Air Terminal, 2019. 30 x 40m

IMG_2588Miami Airport, USA. 2018. 30 x 40m

IMG_2586Basement of Royal Academy, London. 2019. 30 x 40m

Somerset House/Courtauld Institute of Art, London. 2019. 30 x 40m

IMG_2817Kollam Lighthouse, Kerala, India. 2018. 30 x 40m

IMG_2587Ethnographic Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2018. 30 x 40m